Ashenthwaite was promised to not be an easy settle. A forested Pangea, with a myriad of unusual creatures, would make settlement difficult. It was to be a venture for the bold and the brave. Faction: The Gaius Commonwealth
Key Locations:
The Foundry of Aethelspit: Set on a flat expanse of land with access to a hollowed-out mine beneath for more dangerous endeavors. When a design is finished, crafters from the towns are called to assemble it on the land beside it.
The Cock and Bull Story Pub: The home of the Eternal Maypole and Ashenthwaite democracy. The people of Ashenthwaite are scattered. 400 villages, each with its own social dynamics. It's common for rivalries to form, spanning generations. Here is where they are settled and fates are held.
Amartia: A forest and a mystical safe haven where everyone can join. At the center of the forest is a massive tree where the fey folk and colonists created a treaty for this place to be a neutral zone where no crime can be committed and if it is, the penalty is death.
Nexus Members: