The Corvane system is primarily one large asteroid belt. The system was initially divided by what you could hold on to. Eventually the belt was brought under the control of the Charon corporation. Over time, disregard for civil rights shown by the corp led to many workers declaring their independence. Establishing the Union, the belters went about dismantling the corp’s hold over Corvane.
The majority of the CBU are based in cheaply made Charon habitation spheres, bolted on to the sides of the larger asteroids, adapted for longer term use. Habitats built post-independence tend to be built within hollowed out asteroids. New habitats feature “mulching pits” that recycle organic material. There are currently 27 active habitats.
Each habitat picks a representative to send to a council. This council votes through direct democracy. A unique member among this council is the renowned Hoocherman. A local cryptid that got elected, Hoocherman is virtually silent, only passing notes to the rest of the council. Anyone from any planet can apply to become a member of the Union but first must serve a 2 year stint working as a miner.
Faction: The Darshk Constitution
Key Locations:
Plastica Beach: Home to Seis Banderas theme park; tourist trap with plastic palm trees.
The monument of Big Bad John: Big Bad John was a Cog veteran miner who sacrificed his life and body to hold up a tunnel collapse. His body still stands there, holding up the tunnel, and many often leave bottles of Hooch at his feet in his honour.
Charon’s Husk: the major base of operations for Charon pre-Union, it’s left in it’s massacred state as a reminder. Many have ventured in to the Husk to steal memorabilia.
Nexus Members:
Isabelle Rhyolite Walker
Daytona Moses
Conway Arkansas
Tennessee Nashville Turpentine
CERA Sarasota